Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Above All Earthly Powers

I finished reading through David Wells Above All Earthly Power last night. I don't really know what to say about it. I find that I am amazed, in a negative way, at the prevailing world-view around us right now. In fact, I find that even reading something like this book, that seeks to clearly explain how people think, I still have a hard time grasping it. On the other hand, there are places where I find that I am affected by it as well. There is a part of my that throws my hands up in the air wondering how the gospel will ever spread in such a climate. Then another part of me reminds me that the world has always been opposed to the gospel. The modern world-view was just as opposed to the Christians world-view as the post-modern one is. The only reason to not despair is the same one that forms the title of this book, we follow one who is above all earthly powers. To quote Him, "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."


Even So... said...

I am reading that book now...and yes, it just makes us realize all the more that amidst all this confusion, God must be the One who draws the sinner to Himself...

Rileysowner said...

I am now reading The Deliberate Church by Mark Dever. Very refreshing for me being in a denomination that keep pushing programs like Purpose Driven, Natural Church Development and the like. I find it is a good follow up to Above all Earthly Power in that it is an easier read, and gives very practical application on how be be a gospel centered pastor and seek to build a gospel centered church.

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