Friday, February 10, 2006

What a pierced heart

"Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified." Acts 2:36 I am sometimes amazed at how often I can read something, yet still miss it. It was only as I read this verse of the day that it struck me how these words would have pierced the hearts of those who heard them. The Jewish people had been waiting for the Christ for centuries. They had prided themselves on their religious obedience. Yet, what did all that get them? When the Christ came, did they recognize him? Did they receive him joyfully? Did they follow him? No, here Peter points out to them that the very Christ they were looking for, the very Lord they should have honored and followed, is the one whom they cried out to Pilate, "Crucify him, crucify him." The one whom they mocked, demeaned, and derided. The one whom they crucified. I cannot imagine how that would have cut to the heart of their self trust, but I know it does to mine. For while I was not back there some 2000 years ago, Jesus died for my sins. He died for all the times that I have ever gone wrong in my walk with God. He died for every idle word that does not bring glory to God. He died for ever idle thought that I did not take captive but let wander off down roads of the mind that should never be trod. He died for every moment when I live my life without the realization that I live always before the face of God. That pierces my heart, for I know how far I am from being the person I should be as someone who is joined through faith to Jesus Christ, and it moves me to go again to the only place I can find hope. For the very cross that convicts me of my sin, is also the very cross where my sins can be and have been dealt with. There at the cross, I find not only how horrible my sin is, but also I find that the Son of God died willingly to free me from that sin--from the punishment it deserves which he willingly took upon himself, and for its power over me, so that in him I can now say no to sin and yes to God. My question to all those who read this is does this pierce your heart? Does it cut you to the quick? Does it drive you to your knees? If it does then turn back to that cross again, and remember that Jesus died that death to set his people free from sin. Renew your faith in him, and seek to live in light of the cross. For there you find the only remedy that will clean your guilty conscience.


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